New images from some recent projects flexing my film muscles. The question continues to come up... why shoot film? I continue to answer, why not? There is a different look to film and I like it. And the reaction I've received from people who have actually seen the work in print is 100% positive. So again, I say, why not!
So am I going to stop shooting digital? Of course not, don't be silly. If all I did was personal work or weddings or lifestyle portraiture then maybe I would think about a total conversion, but since the bulk of my work still rests squarely in the commercial realm it's impossible not to shoot digital. Commercial deadlines today are way to short to allow film to come back from my lab on the other side of the country. Heck, in many cases, I barely have time to return to the studio to process the digital files before the clients needs the finals! Nope, we live in a digital age, but that doesn't mean we can't go "back to the future" once in a while.
Besides the look of film, another thing I enjoy is the size of the camera - film bodies, especially Leica M cameras and lenses are smaller thus making it easier to carry around for a long day and allowing me to more easily keep the connection with my (human) subject.
Furthermore, working with film, especially with Leica cameras, requires keen technical prowess. Going old school you don't have autofocus, there is no program mode to set your exposure (heck with the cameras I use there isn't even a built in light meter) and you don't have hundreds of frames on a single card so there's no banging away, hoping one picture works. You have 36 exposures so you have to make them work. Working with film separates the pros from the rest of the pack.
And finally, for me, it's fun. And what's the point if you're not having a great time? Happy photographers produce happy work : )
Father and son, window light, red studio wall. Leica M2, 35mm f/2 Summicron, Fuji 400 film. Shot made hand held while looking over top of camera to keep eye contact with subjects.
Cucumber Falls, Ohiopyle, PA with a Leica M3, 21mm f/3.4 Super Angulon, Fuji 400, custom b/w toned conversion. One second exposure with camera mounted on Gitzo tripod.
Cucumber Falls, Ohiopyle, PA with a Leica M3, 21mm f/3.4 Super Angulon, Fuji 400, custom b/w toned conversion. Two second exposure with camera mounted on a Gitzo tripod.
Hi pleased to meet you
loving your blog
come pay a visit some time
beautiful work as always my friend! I am with you. I love the look and feel of film, as the results are different than digital. Keep sharing these inspirational photos!
Love the new blog Tc looking Niiiice... Goodtimes
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