Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Random thoughts on a cold morning

OK, so usually I pretty much hibernate throughout January and much of February.  I hate cold weather.  Work is normally slow this time of year so it all works in my favor to just stay inside and work on the computer.  
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Not this year!  

Things have been hopping around here since January 1st and I've yet to have any slow time whatsoever.  Believe me, I'm not complaining!  I've had some really cool projects in spite of all the doom and gloom talk on the TV and across the Internet (I'm going out on another neat job in just a couple of hours).  Also I'm working on my big photo show -- The Beautiful Light of Italy -- that opens March 20th at The Sewickley Gallery in Sewickley, PA.  The images rock and are almost ready for printing!!!

Late harvest, Tuscany, Italy autumn 2008

What has struck me, however, is the strange shift in wedding bookings this year.  

In every year past my first booked date has been over Memorial Day weekend, but not this year.  In fact, I'm VERY slow in May.  That trend follows through in June and July, too.  However, August through October is crazy busy!  For example, in October, unless you're getting married on Halloween (and it better be a very creative theme wedding) I'm booked solid.  Of course if you ARE getting married on Halloween... let's talk!

Don't get me wrong, bookings overall are not down, but the majority of them are in the later part of the year.  Not sure if this is an economic indicator or just the luck of the draw.  I choose to think the later cause it's not like lots of folks aren't getting married in May!

Anyway, that's what happens when I book a morning photo shoot, my mind start working too hard too soon (ramble).  

Not enough hibernation time I guess  ; )

Wednesday, February 04, 2009


I normally don't go for a lot of hyperbole or self grandstanding but this is pretty cool.  

OK, no, this is absolutely, totally off the cool-o-meter hook!!  

Today I was informed that two, not one but TWO, of my images have been selected as finalists in the international "Top Knots" contest.

Huh?  So what you may ask is a "Top Knot?"  

The "Top Knot" is an annual contest to award and showcase the best wedding photography in the world.  The contest is judged by the top wedding and photo professionals working today.  Tens of thousands of entries are received from across the globe.  Only a tiny handful are selected as the best.

The next step is the announcement of the top prize in each category from among the finalists.  The winners (including finalists) will be published online and in PDN magazine later in the year.  Details and links will be provided when available.

But yeah, it's kind of a big deal.  Like winning the Oscar.  Only no red carpet.

Here are the entries that won...

Sarah kicks it up with her bridesmaids in February 08.

Little bridesmaid gets a last minute spray.  From Amie and Harvey's October wedding.

PS.  Just to make clear, this contest is not connected in any way to The Knot website, magazine or organization.