You'd think, judging from this blog, I've taken an extended leave of absence. Not hardly. October was a total whir wind. It blew by so quickly I barely had time to enjoy the (albeit limited) color of fall. Weddings, commercial assignments and private commission work kept me shooting almost every day. When I wasn't behind the camera I was in front of the computer trying to knock out the work to my clients. It was exhausting, but exhilarating at the same time.
I love being busy. Always have. Some photographers are like thoroughbred race horses. They like staying in the barn till the big race. Me, I've always likened myself to the plow horse. Put me in the field every day and just stand back and let me work. I'll get er done. Such was October. Plowed many a field both here and on the far side of the state.
Unfortunately (for the blog) much of my work is of a commercial nature. Art directors and commercial clients sometimes don't like pictures posted before their projects are released to the public. They're funny that way. They like to keep things under wraps till they're finished. Also, because so much of my work is project specific it sometimes loses meaning out of context. So a picture that might look mundane or routine as a stand alone may be exactly what the client needs to communicate their message. The total (package) is greater than the sum of the individual parts. Such is life. Still, a cool picture is in most cases still a cool picture.
Luckily there were a lot of weddings, too. Unfortunately there were a lot of weddings, too! Those took some time last month to not only shoot, but to process. Most are out now so the results will soon be on the blog. Backwards for sure, but I felt I needed to get the pictures to the couples first since I was running so far behind. Only seemed fair.
So here are a couple of images I did while I was "away." Hope you enjoy this tiny peak. Much more to come. Thanks.
A college up north
A college out east
A school right here